Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nook Book Help!

Help! I am blowing through books on my new Nook. I would love some book suggestions!

I am also curious about magazine subscriptions with Nook. I love my magazines, and I am just not sure if I think it will be as fun on the Nook? Any feedback is appreciated!

Hope all of you are well and having a great start to the new year! I am doing great so far with my "New Year's Choices!"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Year's Choices

I realize we are almost 3 weeks in, but I wanted to share this.
I decided this year to make some New Year "choices" instead of resolutions. My track record with resolutions has been spotty, so I thought it might just be the word itself. Logical, right?

Some of these will seem super silly to you all. I have actually printed myself a list of some of them and put them in my purse. Just for a little extra reminder!

1. Smile and laugh more.
2. Be the best mother I can be.
3. Become a better friend. This year I have been so focused on Cohen that I have neglected some friendships. Especially friends that live far from me. I am already working on this!
4. Of healthier and take better care of myself and my family! (I am off to a good start. YAY!)
5. Be slower to judge and faster to forgive.
6. Find beauty and happiness in small things.

2010 was a challenging year for me and my family. I am thankful for all the joy and triumphs it brought, but happy to see 2011 here for a while! Can't wait to see what she brings!!!!!

Happy Choices to you!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yes, I am spoiled.

I am the first to admit it. I am a teensy, tiny bit spoiled.

Christmas this year was no exception. I got some amazing, unbelievable gifts. One in particular that I am working on for it's own post, from none other than The Warren Fam. It is truly one of the most thoughtful and awesome things ever. (HINT----I am truly, deeply, madly in love with it)

Here are a couple of fun toys from my husband and my mom.

The Nook Color. Totally cool. I have already downloaded and read 5 books. Also, love that I can download books for the kids and it reads the aloud! Ames LOVES it.
 From my mom. The Mint robot! Its a hardwood floor cleaner!!! YAY! Our whole house is hardwood and I am so excited to use it! I will letcha know how it works!